CM Siddaramaiah assured that after the final report of the 7th Pay Commission, action will be taken to revise the salaries of the state government employees and also to fill up two and a half lakh vacant government posts.
Bengaluru: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has clarified that the Seventh Pay Commission constituted on the salary revision for the state government employees has asked for six months time to submit the final report and after reviewing the final report, action will be taken to increase the salary after looking at the financial condition of the state. Responding to BJP member YA Narayanaswamy's question during the Vidhan Parishad question and answer session, the CM said that the Seventh Pay Commission has been given six months time. He said that the interim relief has already been given, as the commission itself has asked for time, we have given time.
Apart from central pay, they will do pay commission once in ten years. We are doing it for five years, sometimes there is a difference of a couple of years, there was a pay committee before the formation of the commission. As per its recommendation, the salary revision was done, now after the final report of the commission, we are going to review it and look at the financial situation and implement the recommendation of the commission. Interim relief has already been given to government employees retrospectively. He said that now we are going to see the final report and implement it.
We are giving five guarantees. Pay Commission has time. Report to them now? The CM assured that action will be taken as soon as the report comes.
Action to fill vacancies: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has promised that 33% of the sanctioned posts in the 43 departments of the state government will be taken up step by step. Answering the question of member Gopinath in the session, he said that 7,72,025 posts have been sanctioned for all the departments of the state and 5,16,105 posts have been filled. There are 2,55,920 vacancies. C and D posts are outsourced. A and B are rarely going to be outsourced. It is true that the posts are currently vacant, steps will be taken to fill them up step by step. We have said in the manifesto, we will fill it accordingly. There are vacancies in health and education department, we are going to fill them on priority. It is true that there are vacancies in all departments, it is not because of us, it has increased due to many years of vacancies, we are going to fill them step by step, he said.
Disney Land Model Park near KRS: There is no entertainment destination in the state. Therefore, there is a proposal to build a Disney Land model park in Mysore on PPP model, said DCM DK Shivakumar. The government land is vacant there, we will take steps to ensure that the KRS dam is not disturbed, we are going to develop the land near the KRS dam in Mysore as a tourist destination. He said that it should be useful for everyone and the government will carry out this development work in addition to job creation.
No proposal for additional barrage near Karanja Dam: DCM DK Shivakumar clarified that there is no proposal before the state government to construct any new barrage to store additional water in Karanja reservoir. During the question and answer session of the Legislative Council, Congress member Arvind Kumar Arali answered the question, he said that the Karanja reservoir, which provides irrigation for 27 thousand hectares, has been filled only once in the last 9 years. It was filled only in 2021 and has not been filled again, so it is not right that the excess water will go outside the state, damn. He said that the expansion will be reviewed and the storage capacity will be increased, as of now there is no proposal to build an additional barrage.
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