
Wednesday 6 September 2023

Good news for those women who have not deposited the money of Grilahakshmi Yojana

Admin       Wednesday 6 September 2023

Tital :- Good news for those women who have not deposited the money of Grilahakshmi Yojana

File Type :- News

File Language :- Kannada

Which Department :- All

State :- Karnataka

Published Date :- 06/09/2023

File Format :- Pdf

File Size :- 238KB

Number of Pages :- 02

Scanned Copy :- Yes

Copy Text :- No

Enable :- Yes

Quality :- High

File size Reduced :- No

Password Protected :- No

Password Encrypted :- No

Image File Available:- Yes
File Vieow Available :- Yes

Download Link Available :- Yes

Cost :-  No

Personal Use Only


Thanks for reading Good news for those women who have not deposited the money of Grilahakshmi Yojana

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1 comment:

  1. Please me my mother chasha my mom bank name Karnataka Gramin bank in kokatanur
    Tq:sindagi Dist:vijayapur
